PoochPack #3 - Snacks N’ Snaps

Snacks n’ Snaps is a photo session with our treats and your floofy nibbler

Price: $60

Dog photography is something Floofy Nibbles enjoys doing so why not capture our nibblers in action with our treats?! Snacks N’ Snaps gives Floofy Nibbles the chance to meet and interact with our nibblers, and to network with other amazing hoomans in the dog community! All images and video taken are used for social media content and advertising, as we do love to share our passion for dogs.

Each Snacks N’ Snaps session includes:

  • 30 min session - indoor or outdoor

  • 10-15 basic edit images (Floofy Nibbles choice)

  • 3 treats for during session and snacking

  • Session locations - Toronto & Durham

Check out our sessions, we have more to coming soon


Carnival Deluxe Package


Floofy Cake Smush